The Institute is proud to have supported the publication of several books and academic journals. Full details appear below.
See also:
- Educational video
- Backgrounders on the Crown
- Works by individuals associated with the Institute
- Crown bibliography
A Resilient Crown
Canada’s Monarchy at the Platinum Jubilee

Edited by D. Michael Jackson and Christopher McCreery
As Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her Platinum Jubilee in 2022 and nears the conclusion of her reign, much discussion and debate has taken place about the monarchy in Canada.
A Resilient Crown examines a broad range of issues related to Canada’s constitutional monarchy, its present state, and its future. Topics include Crown-Indigenous relations; the foundational place of the Crown in Canada’s system of government; the viceregal offices and the role of the administrator; the Crown and francophone Canada; the prime ministers and the Queen; royal tours; and Queen Elizabeth herself.
Drawing from academics, serving and retired public servants, and well-known commentators, this book brings together a rich collection of essays that delve into the Crown in Canada today.
- Preface: D. Michael Jackson and Christopher McCreery
- Introduction: D. Michael Jackson and Christopher McCreery
Part 1: A Constitutional Monarchy
- The Crown, the Queen, and the Structure of the Constitution: Warren J. Newman
- The Crown’s Contemporary Constitutional Legitimacy: Jonathan Shanks
- Canada’s Entrenched Monarchy: The ”Offices” of the Queen and Her Representatives: Andrew Heard
Part 2: The Canadian Crown and Indigenous Peoples
- The Promise of the Crown in Indigenous-Settler Relations: Keith Thor Carlson
- Overturning Royal Monuments: Confronting History, Reconciliation, and the Honour of the Crown: Serge Joyal
- Treaty Spaces: The Chapels Royal in Canada: John Fraser, Carolyn King, and Nathan Tidridge
Part 3: Representing the Sovereign
- The Enduring Crown in Canada: Reflections on the Office of the Governor General at the Platinum Jubilee: Barbara J. Messamore
- The Lieutenant Governors: Second Fiddles or Coordinate Viceregals? D. Michael Jackson
- The Spare Fire Extinguisher: The Administrator of the Government of Canada: Christopher McCreery
Part 4: Perspectives on the Crown in Canada
- A Right Honourable Journey: The Queen and Her Canadian Prime Ministers. Arthur Milnes
- The Rise and Fall of French Canadian Loyalism: Damien-Claude Bélanger
- Royal Tours of Canada in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth II: Carolyn Harris
- Queen Elizabeth II: A Personal Tribute: David Johnston
Royal Progress
Canada’s Monarchy in the Age of Disruption

Edited by D. Michael Jackson
Foreword by the Honourable Margaret McCain
Queen Elizabeth II is approaching a record-breaking seven decades as sovereign of the United Kingdom, Canada, and fourteen other Commonwealth realms. In anticipation of the next reign, the essays in this book examine how the monarchy may evolve in Canada.
Topics include the historic relationship between Indigenous Peoples and the Crown; the offices of the governor general and lieutenant governors; the succession to the throne; the likely shape of the reign of King Charles III; and the Crown’s role in the federal and provincial governments, reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples, and civil society.
How will the institution of constitutional monarchy adapt to changing circumstances? The contributors to this volume offer informed and challenging opinions on the place of the Crown in Canada’s political and social culture.
With contributors National Chief Perry Bellegarde, Brian Lee Crowley, Hon, Judith Guichon, Andrew Heard, Rick W. Hill, David Johnson, Senator Serge Joyal, Warren J. Newman, Dale Smith, and Nathan Tidridge.
- Foreword: Margaret McCain
- Introduction: The Crown in a Time of Transition: D. Michael Jackson
Part 1: The Crown and Indigenous Peoples
- The Crown, the Chain and Peacebuilding: Diplomatic Traditions of the Covenant Chain: Rick W. Hill and Nathan Tidridge
- The Crown and the First Nations: Perry Bellegarde
- A Matter of Respect: Crown-Indigenous Relations in British Columbia: Judith Guichon
Part 2: The Evolving Viceregal Offices
- The Provincial Crown and the Lieutenant Governors: Andrew Heard
- The Office of Governor General in Transition? Or, How the Personality of the Office-Holder is Changing the Perception of the Monarchy: Serge Joyal
- A Tale of Two Secretaries: Looking at the Roles of the Canadian Secretary to The Queen and the Secretary to the Governor General: Dale Smith
Part 3: Moving Toward a New Reign
- The Succession to the Throne in Canada: Warren J. Newman
- Crowning Glory: Monarchy’s Little Understood Contribution to Canada’s Greatness: Brian Lee Crowley
- Heritage and Innovation: The Future Reign of Charles III: David Johnson
The Canadian Kingdom
150 Years of Constitutional Monarchy

Edited by D. Michael Jackson
With contributors Peter Boyce (Australia), John Fraser (Massey College), Carolyn Harris (University of Toronto), Robert E. Hawkins (University of Regina), Andrew Heard (Simon Fraser University), Senator Serge Joyal, Christopher McCreery, Barbara J. Messamore (University of Fraser Valley), Sean Palmer (New Zealand), Hon. Steven Point (former Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia), Nathan Tidridge
An integral part of Canada’s political culture, the constitutional monarchy has evolved over the 150 years since Confederation to become a uniquely Canadian institution.
Canada inherited the constitutional monarchy from Britain even before Confederation in 1867. In the 150 years since then, the Crown has shaped, and been shaped by, Canada’s achievement of independence, its robust federalism, the unique identity of Quebec, and its relationship with Indigenous peoples.
What has this “Canadian Crown” contributed to the Canada of the twenty-first century? How is this historic yet resilient institution perceived today? The essays in this book respond to these questions from a variety of perspectives, encompassing the arts, the role of the vice-regal representatives, the Indigenous peoples, and the contemporary position of the monarch. In discussing whether there is a distinctly Canadian monarchy, the authors look beyond Canada’s borders, too, and explore how Canada’s development has influenced other Commonwealth realms.
The Queen at the Council Fire
The Treaty of Niagara, Reconciliation, and the Dignified Crown in Canada

By Nathan Tidridge
In the summer of 1764, Sir William Johnson (Superintendent of Indian Affairs) and over two thousand chiefs representing twenty-four First Nations met on the shores of the Niagara River to negotiate the Treaty of Niagara — an agreement between the British Crown and the Indigenous peoples. This treaty, symbolized by the Covenant Chain Wampum, is seen by many Indigenous peoples as the birth of modern Canada, despite the fact that it has been mostly ignored by successive Canadian governments since.
The Queen at the Council Fire is the first book to examine the Covenant Chain relationship since its inception. In particular, the book explores the role of what Walter Bagehot calls “the Dignified Crown,” which, though constrained by the traditions of responsible government, remains one of the few institutions able to polish the Covenant Chain and help Canada along the path to reconciliation. The book concludes with concrete suggestions for representatives of the Dignified Crown to strengthen their relationships with Indigenous peoples.
Canada and the Crown
Essays in Constitutional Monarchy

Edited by D. Michael Jackson and Philippe Lagassé
Foreword by His Excellency The Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada
Based on papers given at a Diamond Jubilee conference on the Crown held in Regina in 2012, Canada and the Crown assesses the historical and contemporary importance of constitutional monarchy in Canada.
Established and emerging scholars consider the Canadian Crown from a variety of viewpoints, including the ways in which the monarch relates to Quebec, First Nations, the media, education, Parliament, the constitution, and the military. They also consider a republican option for Canada. Editors D. Michael Jackson and Philippe Lagassé provide context for the essays, summarize and expand on the issues discussed by the contributors, and offer a perspective on further study of the Crown in Canada.
Contributors include Richard Berthelsen, Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Bolt (Office of the Judge Advocate General), James W.J. Bowden, Stephanie Danyluk (Whitecap-Dakota First Nation), Linda Cardinal (University of Ottawa), Phillip Crawley (CEO, The Globe and Mail), John Fraser (Massey College), Carolyn Harris (University of Toronto), Robert E. Hawkins (University of Regina), Ian Holloway (University of Calgary), Senator Serge Joyal, Nicholas A. MacDonald, Christopher McCreery (Office of Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia), J.R. (Jim) Miller (University of Saskatchewan), Peter H. Russell (University of Toronto), David E. Smith (Ryerson University), and John D. Whyte (University of Regina).
The Evolving Canadian Crown

Edited by Jennifer Smith and D. Michael Jackson
Contributors include David Arnot, Paul Benoit, Peter Boyce, Hon. Lynda M. Haverstock, Robert E. Hawkins, Andrew Heard, D. Michael Jackson, Senator Serge Joyal, Christopher McCreery, Patrick J. Monahan, Jacques Monet, Senator Hugh Segal, Jennifer Smith, David E. Smith
The Crown in Canada, the institution of constitutional monarchy, for decades neglected or considered an irrelevant colonial relic, is now the object of sympathetic scholarly attention. Stephen Harper’s Conservative government has reversed the trend of its predecessors by giving the Crown a higher profile through royal tours, publications, and symbolic initiatives.
The Evolving Canadian Crown assesses the Crown in Canada from a variety of perspectives, including federalism, First Nations, the constitutional role of the governor general, the use of the reserve power, honours and public liturgy, and the “Canadianization” of the Crown. Comparative analyses of the Crown in Australia and New Zealand complete the picture. As Queen Elizabeth II marks her Diamond Jubilee in 2012, The Evolving Canadian Crown provides a stimulating insight into a little-understood yet key component of Canada’s governance.
Academic journals
Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law
Issue XIV.1 (June 2020)
This issue of the Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law features essays based on proceedings of the Institute’s fourth Conference on the Crown: The Crown in a Time of Transition (June 2019, Toronto).
- Bob Morris, “The Next Coronation”
- Anne Twomey, “The Reserve Power of the Queen and her Vice-Regal Representatives to Refuse to Act on Ministerial Advice”
- David V. Williams,“Rituals of Crown and State in the Realm of New Zealand: Incorporating Indigenous Protocols”
Review of Constitutional Studies/Revue d’études constitutionelles
Volume 22, No. 1 – Special Issue: The Crown in the 21st Century

Edited by Philippe Lagassé and Nicholas A. MacDonald
A special issue of the Review of Constitutional Studies/ Revue d’études constitutionnelles, published by the University of Alberta’s Centre for Constitutional Studies, featuring articles presented at the Institute’s Conference of the Crown held in Victoria, British Columbia, in 2016.
- Robert Hazell and Bob Morris, “If The Queen Has No Reserve Powers Left, What is the Modern Monarchy For?”
- Anne Twomey, “Royal Succession, Abdication, and Regency in the Realms”
- Warren J Newman, “Some Observations on the Queen, the Crown, the Constitution, and the Courts”
- Paul Daly, “Royal Treatment: The Crown’s Special Status in Administrative Law”
- Hugo Cyr, “On the Formation of Government”